about me...
Hello, I'm Jessica & I founded Elemental Remedy in 2020.
I have created this virtual space for you to discover ritual tools and the transformative power that cyclical living, olfactory anchoring & ceremony can play in your life.
I started to invite ritual into my own life as a tool to get out of my head and into my body.
As a Highly Sensitive Person & Taurean native (with Leo Moon Scorpio rising placements), I often experience a tensive relationship between hyper-independence & a desire to retreat from life and a simultaneous desire for deep connection & captivating, raw presence with others.
Like many, I often feel disconnected from Self in the urban environment, and find peace when I am in nature and the elements.
Nature regulates the nervous system.
Synthetic foods, artificial lighting, and chronically stimulating environments - essentially how we live now, dysregulate the nervous system. We are taught only how to survive, not thrive, in these environments. We are cyclical & elemental by nature. All things that are living need a balanced supply of air, water, fire, and earth to experience life in its most abundant, juicy, entirety.
My practice is to continue to cultivate & develop a healthier relationship with Self and reinforce & reestablish a connection to land & the natural environment. As I learn, I notice that the macrocosmic, external landscape is always a reflection and projection of our inner ecosystems and landscapes.
We are nature and nature is us. The perceived separation from nature is the root cause of suffering and disconnection. The remembrance and reclamation of ourselves as an inherent and crucial, interwoven thread in the tapestry of life is simultaneously humbling and expansive. Shifting perspective on ourselves as an integral part of the macro informs and changes the way we relate to life and relationships.
The answers and insights we seek, do not exist outside of us. They are just buried underneath conditioning, waiting to be unearthed held, seen, and integrated.
Engaging in small acts of daily ritual gifts us opportunities to deconstruct any barriers we’ve built, revealing our pure divine essence beneath the surface.
My ritual offerings invite you to reconnect with and meet all the parts of yourself and to support you in exploring your intrinsic magick & establishing a deeper connection to nature and her elements.
Enjoy. Xx

sustainably minded,
always vegan…
Every ingredient is carefully chosen to ensure purity, integrity & potency is delivered in every batch.
Pure Essential Oils
The oils used in each & every product are picked based on their individual healing properties, energetic attributes & emotional benefits. Ensuring oil quality is why Elemental Remedy products just feel good. The olfactory system is the most powerful of the senses. Your nose knows.
The waxes used in the Elemental Candle range are of the purest grade available on the global market. A combination of coconut & eco-soy, our maker, Kere has decades of experience in candle making & she is passionate about purity.
The herbs in our Ayurvedic teas are all Australian certified organic, so you can be sure you are getting only goodness in every cup.
Floral Waters
Our floral waters are 100% pure and certified organic. It’s that simple.
Base Oils
We only use Australian certified organic golden jojoba in all our oil blends. Jojoba is actually a liquid wax, and it shares the same molecular structures as the oils found in healthy human skin. High in moisture rich vitamin E & packed with anti-inflammatory properties, jojoba is the only choice.
Smudge Sticks
We love local. We don’t sell white sage or palo santo because they’re endangered & we believe utilising native herbs that are more connected to this land & have less of a carbon footprint just make sense.