Using smoke to cleanse your space & energy.
“The modern day use herbs in ceremony should not be diluted by new age adaptation or ignorance of the sacred & reverent origins of these historical practices, nor should the requests of cultural groups who have spoken to the overuse of their native & sacred herbs be appropriated or ignored, which is why Elemental Remedy chooses not to sell white sage or palo santo.”
The lighting of herbs & the use of using smoke for cleansing has been practiced over centuries, by many ancient cultures across the globe. Each of these ancient practices hold unique significance & ceremonial meaning, depending on the cultural group of its origin, woven with reverence & tradition far greater & more powerful than anything we can fathom...
We come from a lineage of ancestors & I ask that, if you choose to engage in energy clearing using smoke, I invite you to enquire, educate & respect the ancient lineages of those who have come before you, when using smoke in ritual. It is important to honour the sacred & ancient origins of smoke cleansing, now that the practices have become more readily available to us, in this increasingly global & culturally diverse age...
safety note:
Always use a fire proof plate to catch ash + embers, to avoid fire risk.
When working with a lit smudge stick, practice caution & never allow a lit smudge stick to come into contact with your hair, clothes or body.
the ritual:
as you light the herbs, set your intention…
"I cleanse my myself of all stagnant, negative energy, inviting in fresh, abundant energy"
"I release all that no longer serves me, elevating my vibration to that of light + love only"
"As I cleanse my energy, I create new space for positivity to flow"
Move the smoke around the boundary of your body, starting at the base of the feet & moving upwards towards the crown of the head. Concentrate on the joints, underarms & the hair. Our hair is like energetic antenna & can hold a lot of stagnation & tension. I like to let mine down & flip my head forward, allowing plumes of smoke to infiltrate my hair as I gently shake my head from side to side. Trust me, you will feel the release afterwards.
Remember: practice caution here & never allow a lit smudge stick touch your hair, clothing or body parts.
Once you feel clear, extinguish the herbs into a fire safe bowl.
Again, light the herbs & set your intention. Begin moving the smoke around the boundary of the room as you go, using sweeping motions over doorways & windows. Pay attention to nooks & corners where energy can build up or become stuck.
In corners, move the smoke in an up + down motion. Catch any embers or ash as you go, holding a fire proof bowl in the other hand.
Continue with your affirmation or intention as you work through the space.
To end, ash out the herb stick into a fireproof bowl + ensure it is fully extinguished.
Never leave smudge sticks burning, unattended or near clothing, the body, children or pets.